The Berlin Project.

I’m fortunate enough to be close friends with an amazing photographer, artist, and human being named Jasmin Wolff.

We met three years ago on the island which I currently live, and it changed my life.

She’s back in Berlin now, but we stay in touch and often discuss our creative endeavors with each other.

Though I’m impressed by every creative piece she creates, I’m particularly enamored by her paintings and sketches: images that pull you into another world with what I can only describe as abstract fluidity. Some pieces containing a myriad of colors that adorn the canvas like lighting, challenging you to construct a figure from within it’s gentle mayhem. Other pieces use deceptively tranquil curves and cool pallets to dig into you and bring forth feelings you thought you had forgotten.

The Berlin Project will be a series of posts in which I’ll share pieces of writing created after spending time with pieces of Jasmin’s amazing art. In my chaotic style, much of my writing will be drawn from gut reactions evoked my each painting which in and of itself will be the only source of inspiration.

That being said I feel that it is important to note that though Jasmin has been kind enough to collaborate with me by letting me use her art and share it on this blog, my corresponding writings reflect only my own interpretative feelings drawn from each piece and do not necessarily reflect her personal story.

Last, but damn sure not least, please treat yourself by visiting Jasmin’s website and experiencing her amazing photography which has inspired me countless times.

See Jasmin’s work.

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